Monday, 25 January 2010

1st day of my 1st FET

10 days ago I had my first appointment to get started on our first ever FET cycle. I was given Provera to take for 5 days to make me bleed. I thought that the nurse had said I would have to have an injection on CD2. Once I'd finished the tablets, I got out my FET information leaflet just to have a read through about what would be happening next. It said I would need the injection on CD21. When I looked this up on the calendar, AF was due very near to our Valentine's Paris trip, and so I went into panic mode...
Last time I took Provera before my IVF cycle, it took well over a week for AF to come, but you can never be too sure with these things. I worked out that as long as AF stayed away until today, everything would work out fine.
Until AF showed up yesterday. Day 21 would be the day we came back from Paris, and the flight isn't til 9pm. I was just so upset and down, thinking that everything was ruined. I checked online to see if we could change the flights, but it was going to cost a fair bit. DF as usual, was very calm and just told me to wait until my appointment today, there was no point stressing.
I had my appointment with wandy and everything looked ok. I told the nurse about my worries with the timings and luckily she put my mind at rest.
An injection is given on CD21 in a natural cycle. Seen as I've had an artificial cycle with the Provera, and I don't usually ovulate myself, the injection is given on CD2 (I was right after all!). So the injection was given today, and it lasts for 5 weeks, but I will be starting tablets in 2 weeks, which is a few days before we go to Paris. I take one dose for a week, then a higher dose for 3 days. My next appointment is the day after we get back from Paris, so it's all worked out really nicely. I will then need pessaries for at least 3 days before the transfer. All in all, we're looking at the embryo transfer in the last week of February.
This is a lot quicker than what I had originally thought. From reading the leaflet, I was thinking it would be more like the 2nd half of March. With me starting from CD2, it's obviously brought everything forward. No complaints here though!!
I'm really glad it's all going ahead now, and that we can still go to Paris, and hopefully enjoy our last child-free holiday! I feel like a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders, and now I can relax and stay positive for our FET!


Holly said...

I am so glad the timing worked out so you can do your FET and Paris too!!

Krissi McVicker said...

That's awesome that the dates worked out for you! I am excited to read about your cycle. After my last FET (last January) I found out I was pregnant with twins! They are now 4 months old! Good luck!! Now following and I added you onto my blog. ~mymiracles77